Malayer (ملاير) is a city in the Hamadān Province of Iran. The second largest city of the Hamedan province, in Western Iran, it has a history of rug weaving and has some popular parks. It had an estimated population of 189,410 in 2005. Malayer is located between Hamedan and Borujerd and is in 380 km South West of Tehran. [1] The current mayor is Rahman Razi.
One of the notable aspects of the city in the 1960s was a series of beautifully decorated horse and buggies. Any day of the week about twenty-five such horse and carriages were mostly parked in the town center with ready drivers to serve visitors and the locals. The most popular destination for carriages was the City Park, called "Park-e Malyer". "Park-e Malayer" was another City trademark well known in the Hamedan province. The park, situated a couple of miles outside the City, contained a number of small lakes, lush vegetation, colorful ducks and many trees and shrubbery. Hamedan provine is situated in a semi arid region. Thus "Park-e Malayer" with its natural beauty and lush vegetation was a serene, inviting environment in the region. During hot summers many people would spend some time in Malayer to enjoy the "Horse and Buggy" ride and rest at the park. People in Malayer speak Malayeri accent which is very similar to Borujerdi Dialect of Lurish language. Persian, immigrant Turkish, and Kurdish are spoken too. "Park-e Malayer" has been named from tens years ago "Park e Seifieh" that refers to the name of a Ghajar prince(Seyfodoleh) who built the park around 75 years ago.He buried at a family tomb located near to the park.He is the head of Azodi's (The most well-known family) in Malayer.