Saturday, December 13, 2008

children: i want to see world

i want to see world.

Why are Children More Susceptible to Air Pollution Than Adults?

In many health effects research studies, children are considered as if they were small adults. This is not really true. There are many differences between children and adults in the ways that they respond to air pollution. For example, children take in more air per unit body weight at a given level of exertion than do adults. When a child is exercising at maximum levels, such as during a soccer game or other sports event, they may take in 20 percent to 50 percent more air -- and more air pollution -- than would an adult in comparable activity.

Children and Ozone Air Pollution Fact Sheet

While exposure to ozone air pollution causes adverse health effects in most people, children are especially susceptible to these effects. Children spend significantly more time outdoors, especially in the summertime when ozone levels are the highest.

آلودگي هوا، كودكان سرطاني را افزايش مي‌دهد
آلودگی هوا موجب بیماری ریوی در كودكان می شود

این عکسی از یک پسر بچه هست که می خواهد دنیا را با چشمان خود ببیند و خنده ی او به نظرم زیباست. کودکان این نسل به ما می گویند بگذار دنیا را ببینیم بگذار آلودگی هوایی نباشد تا من هم دنیا را ببینم. بگذار با این چشمهایم زیبایی های دنیا را ببینم. من می خواهم دنیا را ببینم. تو فقط دنیای مرا آلوده نکن

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